RSA Archer, a leading GRC software platform, has recently released a new and improved vendor portal to help your organization manage risk with third parties.
The vendor portal is a toolset that supports third-party risk management by assessing the risk for an organization to securely work and collaborate with various third parties. With vendor portals, a company that works with multiple suppliers can safely track goods and services, store data, streamline communication, and reduce the risk involved.

The portal manages the third party risk with the following:

- Questionnaires to assess and calculate the risk for third parties.
- Real time reports and dashboards of the status of in-flight assessments
- Custom assessments that are created and maintained in the RSA Archer platform and pushed out to the vendor
The new RSA Archer vendor portal, complementary with versions 6.7 and newer of the Archer platform, better assists your organization in managing third-party risk by assessing their policies and controls in a more robust, streamlined manner.
When should your organization consider the RSA Archer vendor portal?

- Your organization has already implemented RSA Archer for your GRC process.
- Your organization is currently doing vendor risk management manually and in need of a third party risk management solution.
- Your organization is large or complex in its risk management process and needs to integrate the third party risk into the process.
When choosing a vendor portal management system, your organization should prioritize the following three things:
- Ease of configuration; the vendor portal provider should easily onboard with your current GRC platform.
- Your future goals; your vendor portal hosting system should align with your long-term risk management roadmap.
- Sustainability; the number of third parties and the complexity of the risk assessments should integrate with the organization risk management processes.
Installing a new vendor portal is not quite as simple as just turning it on. Organization-specific requirements must be considered when implementing a new vendor portal product. Do not go at it alone; instead, tap into a resource that can offer the experience to assist during the implementation.
RSA Archer is a highly robust and configurable tool that can be overwhelming to use and deploy in your individual GRC environment.
Cential’s knowledge and expertise with the RSA Archer platform and vendor portal has given us the ability to serve multiple companies to set up their RSA Archer environment, and configure connections with the vendor portals, web servers, and back end connections.
If you’re interested in hearing about how we can help guide you through a successful vendor portal implementation, contact us today.