by David Ponder | Mar 18, 2019 | Chief Compliance Officers, GRC Implementation, Risk Management
The Most Overlooked Element of Successful GRC Most GRC / IRM material focuses on things that are unique to the world of business and technology risk. This often makes sense since there is so much to consider when working with GRC. Thousands of GRC guides,...
by Adam Froemming | Feb 25, 2019 | Archer Platform, Chief Compliance Officers, GRC Implementation, RSA Archer
Path to a Successful Upgrade Completing an Archer upgrade can be a daunting task. With the relatively recent release of Archer version 6.5, as Holly Giammanco mentioned in her post “Archer 6.5 is Here!”, there are multiple good reasons to get your Archer platform on...
by Andrew Gunter | Jan 30, 2019 | Chief Compliance Officers, GRC Implementation
Accommodating Variations in Your GRC Software I have yet to implement a GRC solution without hearing the line “But Our Program is Different”, referring to a department’s need for an exception to how the rest of the organization manages a foundational process or...
by Andrew Gunter | Sep 12, 2018 | Chief Compliance Officers
Often, the term “Reasonable Assurance” is used in reference to financial statement audits and is referring to assurance that they are free of material misstatement. Although this situation doesn’t really apply to the CCO’s role in oversight of compliance programs,...
by Andrew Gunter | Jun 12, 2018 | Chief Compliance Officers
The Chief Compliance Officer’s (CCO) roles and responsibilities at organizations are broad and far reaching. These responsibilities require the CCO to both drive a culture of ethics and compliance, and monitor ethics and compliance activities across the organization....